- Main industry:industrial products / OEM/ODM PHONE /
- Company address:广东省/深圳市/南山区-7th Floor, Block A, Building 8, Nanshan District, International Innovation Valley, Shigu Road, Shenzhen
- contact number:13731718208
- Main industry:展会 /
- Company address:上海/上海市/松江区-Room 1403, Pinggao World Trade Building, Lane 79 Zhongshan Middle Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai
- contact number: 18930420662
- Main industry:Clothing / Jieyang Clothing /
- Company address:广东省/揭阳市/揭东区-About 170 meters northeast of Zhihui Street E-commerce Mansion in Jiedong District, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, China. Different styles of clothing
- contact number:15521956020